
For Senior Level Managers

Module 19: From "No" To "Yes"

Workshop on how to influence others

Influencing is related to a variety of skills including: communication, assertiveness, negotiation, conflict resolution and problem solving. SuccessQuotient@Work® influencing model illustrates 4 influencing styles that emphasizes the effective art of persuasion.

  • Your Influencing Style Inventory
  • Behaviors that can improve or decrease influencing effectiveness
  • Techniques to influence others that enhances your leadership attribute

Module 20: Live Up Your Core Values

Workshop on leading performance excellence by Core Values

Like individuals, organizations have a value system that guides mindsets and behaviour. SuccessQuotient@Work® observes individual values as key in supporting organizational values in terms of driving and achieving performance.

  • Techniques of paradigm shifting
  • Adopting a Systems Thinking process
  • From Values to Actions
  • Tools for transforming your mental models

Module 21: Quantum Leap In Leadership

Workshop on effective leadership

Why do leaders fail? SuccessQuotient@Work®underscores what it takes for success as a leader and how a leader can lead others to success.

  • Leadership effectiveness instrument in 8 categories
  • Profile and develop critical leadership attributes
  • Techniques that help you gain a Leadership Breakthrough

Module 22: Effective Learning Styles

Workshop on effective learning techniques educators and trainers

In the final analysis of SuccessQuotient@Work, success begins with and belongs to those who learn continually. Every individual learns in their own particular way. This module offers a useful collective definition of learning styles and in combination provides some useful boundaries for the individual as well as organization through the Learning Styles instrument.

  • Identify your learning preferences & styles
  • What are the existing methods of learning
  • How does individual perceive new information or new learning

With the ability to learn effectively, success is never too far off for the individual and for the organization as a whole.

The Dual Concern model addressed by Dr Alvin and many other issues that are worth thinking through and how we can apply it in our company

Julia ThamHead of Operations (HR/Fin/Office Management), Savant Degrees

OD journey – its link with SuccessQuotient@Work®

Jessie TanHR Manager, KES Systems & Service

Dual Concerns model and Dr Alvin’s insightful perspectives and sharing our real cases. Find his sharing on “Making the Horse Thirsty” enlightening as it helps me to look at organizational challenges more from another angle

Joclynn TanHR Executive, Makino Asia Pte Ltd

Getting to know about the different programs/courses being available at Wisdom International and the usefulness of the same in increasing personal and organizational effectiveness

Capt Sharad SaldanhaCrew Manager, V.Ships Asia Group Pte Ltd

Verbalising in clear points what is pragmatic and may have been lost in one’s myriad of thought

Sharon TingHead of Corporate Office, Zalora South East Asia

Understanding my own Success Response Profile and the elements of the SuccessQuotient of High Performance. The Dual Concerns model was also impactful to analyze my own strengths and weaknesses

Lanna YeoRegional HR Manager, Makino Asia Pte Ltd

Sharing of the important learning points of the program by Dr Alvin

Chew Eng YawGM, HR, Komatsu Asia & Pacific Pte Ltd

Once again, we would like to thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and experience with our overseas delegates.We have received positive feedback from them.

We look forward to working with you again in the near future.

Jeannie ThungManager, HR & Admin, Kingsmen Creatives Ltd

A much better understanding on areas of developing a team

Mona LeeAcademy Manager, Motor Image Enterprise Pte Ltd