For Senior Level Managers
Module 19: From "No" To "Yes"
Workshop on how to influence others
Influencing is related to a variety of skills including: communication, assertiveness, negotiation, conflict resolution and problem solving. SuccessQuotient@Work® influencing model illustrates 4 influencing styles that emphasizes the effective art of persuasion.
- Your Influencing Style Inventory
- Behaviors that can improve or decrease influencing effectiveness
- Techniques to influence others that enhances your leadership attribute
Module 20: Live Up Your Core Values
Workshop on leading performance excellence by Core Values
Like individuals, organizations have a value system that guides mindsets and behaviour. SuccessQuotient@Work® observes individual values as key in supporting organizational values in terms of driving and achieving performance.
- Techniques of paradigm shifting
- Adopting a Systems Thinking process
- From Values to Actions
- Tools for transforming your mental models
Module 21: Quantum Leap In Leadership
Workshop on effective leadership
Why do leaders fail? SuccessQuotient@Work®underscores what it takes for success as a leader and how a leader can lead others to success.
- Leadership effectiveness instrument in 8 categories
- Profile and develop critical leadership attributes
- Techniques that help you gain a Leadership Breakthrough
Module 22: Effective Learning Styles
Workshop on effective learning techniques educators and trainers
In the final analysis of SuccessQuotient@Work, success begins with and belongs to those who learn continually. Every individual learns in their own particular way. This module offers a useful collective definition of learning styles and in combination provides some useful boundaries for the individual as well as organization through the Learning Styles instrument.
- Identify your learning preferences & styles
- What are the existing methods of learning
- How does individual perceive new information or new learning
With the ability to learn effectively, success is never too far off for the individual and for the organization as a whole.