SuccessQuotient@Work®: Zeroes-To-Heroes
Zero-to Hero diagnostic boardgame helps to identify the behavioral competencies that drive the Success DNA. It is a generic tool that applies to all 22 areas of the success DNA.
This game provides a 3-in-1 supervalue pack.
Value 1
Helps individuals to discover the enterprising power within themselves that they never thought they possess. Individuals who are enterprising will exhibit behavior where they want to take charge, make things happen and make a difference by working with others.
Value 2
Helps Organizations to spot talent through observations on how their employees play the boardgame in a spontaneous, non-threatening, non job-related environment where they have a lot of scope to express themselves as a person.
Management can observe the following behavior of their employees:
- Do they adopt the ‘Can-Do’ Mindset?
- Do they Proactively seek-out Opportunities?
- Do they know when to take calculated risk?
- Do they have a sense of urgency around taking on challenging and important projects, i.e. taking initiatives?
Value 3
The observations made by other players will be documented to help the individual player discover their blind-spots. This document will also support the observations made by your top management in their talent-spotting quest.
IMAGINE that you have successfully spotted your talents and deployed them effectively…
- Discover the boundless energy and enthusiasm that are hidden within your employees when they are assigned a job that can better match their personal attributes.
- Raise employee internal motivation, engagement & job satisfaction
- Allocate human resources more effectively – you will be able to unlock a lot more value at the organizational level instead of being at the departmental level where manpower re-deployment increase organizational effectiveness, performance & results
- Retain talented staff & reduce staff turnover
Customized solutions for Talent Spotting at all levels and ways to develop or enhance competency gaps will be designed…..